Information systems

Information systems ensure important information transfer and processing within current and planned servicing. This enables service charge consumption evidence on single intra- plant machines. This way servicing and production is continually acquainted with service work, defect causes and their solution procedure. Occasionally both sections obtain information on existing stands on being repaired devices. There is also current view of processing material supply state provided with material entry and outgoing evidence.

Servicing control information system (ISÚ)

Servicing control information system (ISÚ)

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Idle time monitoring

Idle time monitoring system

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Process Materials

The record system of production filling expenditure on processing machines

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AMS Automatizace a měření ve strojírenství, s.r.o.
Bystrá 2430/12, 193 00, Praha 9 - Horní Počernice, Česká republika
GPS: 50°6'50.723"N, 14°36'4.262"E
Central: +420 281 045 750